Five – Point Cyber Security Manual for Companies

Cyber Security 1

Businesses today are obliged to protect tonnes of information- corporate business data as well as sensitive personal data of customers. We’ve seen companies, big as well as small ones, crumbling to dust as a consequence of data breaches, most of which could have been avoided, had they taken adequate cyber security measures.

A sound cyber security plan is needed for any business today, especially when businesses depend a lot on the internet. It has to be planned and executed with utmost care, especially because cyber security is directly related to the growth of any business today.

So, what all things have to be kept in mind while working out a comprehensive cyber security plan for any business? Let’s take a look, point by point…

Point No. 1- You need it!

Yes, you need it. You definitely need it. Never be under the impression that cyber threats are meant for others and you won’t be targeted. In today’s context, any business can be targeted at any given point in time. Hackers don’t distinguish between big businesses and small ones; for them, it’s data that matters and even small businesses today have enough data to satisfy cyber criminals. Moreover, most malware strikes are mass attacks and they just spread from system to system, network to network in a very indiscriminate manner. Malware infects systems and networks irrespective of whether they belong to big businesses, small ones or individuals. So, understand that the threat is real and you could be targeted anytime. So be prepared. You need cyber security, just as any other business needs it.

Point No. 2- Seek out the experts!

It’s always good to seek out the experts who can help you with cyber security. Cyber security is an ever-evolving area and you definitely need the support of real experts to work it out in the most effective of manners. There are many companies today that provide cyber security services, at very affordable prices. Do some research, find the best of experts that suit your budget and requirements, and depend on them.

Point No. 3- Have a plan!

For any company- big or small- it’s advisable to have a plan in place. A cyber security policy, with utmost clarity as its highlight, would help any company face security threats and attacks very effectively. The plan should be comprehensive; it should focus on all aspects of cyber security in the context of your company. Detail what measures are taken to secure the company and its network from threats. Detail what policies are to be followed, by the IT department, by each employee, to ensure that all data- corporate data as well as customers’ personal information- are secured. Include in the plan all details of the security software that are being used. Make sure you plan as to what needs to be done if at all a cyber attack happens.

Point No. 4 – Plan based on your specific requirements!

Cyber security strategies are to be planned based on your specific requirements. It depends on the nature of business you’re doing, the size of the company, the volume of customers’ data that you deal with etc. Consult security experts and plan things as per your specific requirements.

Point No. 5- Go for cyber security insurance!

Always opt for cyber security insurance. Businesses, following cyber attacks, could be wiped out entirely. Having an insurance helps a great deal in facing the attack and staying afloat even after the attack happens.

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