Key Expectations From A Top Software Developer

Obviously, the demands with regard to a specific software product vary a lot depending on the client and his needs. Big corporations would usually lean towards resourceful and complex projects spanning a multitude of platforms, with multiple layers and a rather broad scope. On the other hand, startups would come with more modest resources and projects, but would likely prioritize much more the guidance and support during the process of development.
Flexibility With Regard To The Type Of Client
To maximize the collaboration potential, a good software developer needs to be flexible enough in order to work efficiently with all types of clients. There must be an efficient work distribution process to easily manage a multitude of small projects but also to split the work on big projects to the optimal number of developers, all these while preserving an optimal and continuous collaboration optimized for the type of customer.
Domain Flexibility
Another important thing is the ability to work with clients from a wide range of fields. One of the most vivid and successful examples is intellectsoft, which experience of past collaborations demonstrates an entire list of loud names, such as:
●Bombardier (aircraft);
●Jaguar (cars);
●Guinness (beer);
●Land Rover (cars);
●NHS (a healthcare government organization);
●Audi (cars);
●Nestle (food giant);
●Harley Davidson (motorcycles);
●Eurostar (high-speed railway transportation);
●Giant (bicycles).
Working in fields like construction, healthcare, logistics, travel and tourism, retail and commerce, finance, insurance not only allows the developer to be familiar with the types of product or problems that need to be solved – it also allows to start the work from a pre-assembled collection of templates, APIs, an existing knowledge base and field-specific experience with regard to developing and supporting such product.
The Team Of Employees
The company should have an experienced and vast team of developers. The size of the team would ensure that the company can run multiple big projects in parallel with a minimum impact on the deadlines but also would be able to provide long-term support for the created products (big companies are more resilient and survive better when faced with market perturbations rather than small ones).
A deep expertise of the team would enable developing integrated elegant solutions in multiple programming languages, for multiple devices, operating systems, etc., without the need to employ multiple software development companies and thus, to make managing and integrating various parts of the project more difficult.
There are many more aspects that can prove relevant (especially considering the diversity of clients), but taking the above-mentioned into consideration is a good starting point.