Wanna Create Hackers? 4 Basic Tips that Can Help Create Hackers…

It’s quite natural to dislike, or to be precise, hate, hackers. They cause you lots of damages and get away with your personal data and money. They are undoubtedly detestable. But let’s not forget that there’s another section of hackers- the ethical hackers- who deserve our appreciation and support for the hard work, the persistence they put in. As some experts point out, in the digital world, we need to see ethical hackers as the model citizens. They strive endlessly, using their resourcefulness and creativity, to make the world a safe place. They are the ones who use their curiosity, their inherent urge to be at par with changing technologies, to find solutions for all kinds of issues that thwart our security in the digital world, in the world of the internet.
Organizations today seem to be encouraging the hacker mindset among their employees, thereby trying to make their workforce more resourceful and equipped to handle the kind of challenges that come up today. This is a wise thing to do, in today’s context. So, if you are running an enterprise, you can also think of training your employees to cultivate the hacker mindset, to think like ethical hackers. Here are some tips that could help any entrepreneur train his employees to think like ethical hackers; yes, create (ethical) hackers by following these simple tips:
Break down the silos, build communities- Even today, as we talk about building new work cultures and better teams, there exist, across teams, silos in most companies. You need to break down the silos and build communities, thereby creating a shared purpose. This helps your employees get equipped to face and tackle cyber security incidents. This helps you create a vigilant workforce that could think like hackers and detect or respond to threats and attacks.
Get your employees to attend hackathons- Your employees can learn a lot by attending hackathons, just by being there and observing them. This could help them think of how to solve cyber security-related incidents when they happen and how to prevent attacks from happening. That itself helps them think like hackers. You could end up having a full-fledged team of ethical hackers.
Get your employees to act out breach scenarios- Once in a while, get your employees to simulate or act out a breach scenario. That could help sharpen their minds and also help them understand organizational risk in a better way. They can understand what hacking is all about and thus be semi-hackers themselves.
Hire ethical hackers from outside, get your team to listen to them- You might have your own security team who would be able to prevent and handle security incidents. But since everyone is fallible, even the most security-conscious organization would need help from outside. So it’s always good to hire ethical hackers from outside and give your team a chance to listen to them. That could help them pick up things about ethical hacking.