Are you following these tips to stay safe when spending money online?

The internet is a big place, and anything so large can have its pitfalls. Fear not though, there are methods that you can use to stay safe when spending any kind of money online. Check out our tips for how to stay safe when online shopping below.
Use secure Wi-Fi
Unsecure Wi-Fi can be incredibly easy to exploit, so make sure you are using a secure Wi-Fi connection when spending money online. For example, Wi-Fi offered in public spaces like coffee shops, shopping malls, and even hotel Wi-Fi will likely be used by many people at once, most likely won’t have a password, and is unlikely to be secure. Wait till you are at home before spending any money online.
Make sure that you are on the correct website
Scammers are incredibly tech-savvy in this day and age, and anyone can fall for their traps. Some scammers have taken to creating websites that look identical to the site of a big brand and will fool unsuspecting victims into entering their financial details. Often, they will change the website URL by only one or two letters, and you would only be able to tell by looking at the URL very closely. As a rule of thumb, checking that the website is the same one that is the top result for the brand name on a search engine can help to ensure that the website you are using is legitimate.
Invest in anti-virus software
Make sure that your computer is fully-protected by anti-virus software. When working correctly, anti-virus software will block access to any harmful websites and will also provide useful advice on any sites that could be a potential threat. There are free and paid-for anti-virus options, many of which are perfectly fine. Check out customer and journalistic reviews before choosing which software is best for you.
Do your research
It is imperative that you do your research before spending any kind of money online. In sectors where there is a huge amount of competition, think e-commerce, gambling, streaming, or anything else with a lot of popularity. It can be difficult to keep track of brands and make your choice, but an educated pick is your best option to avoid being scammed. That is where brand awareness plays a crucial part and there are now entire dedicated professional review teams to do that research for you. For example, if you need advice on playing fun slot games in online gaming sites, there are many online gambling guides laid out by industry’s experts to first get familiar with the basics and common mistakes. In fact, this method applies to any online product where you are considering to put your money – comprehensive guides can help ensure you feel comfortable before committing to entering your personal details. Even putting the company name into a search engine and using review sites to see what other people are saying about them can be extremely useful.
Use PayPal or credit card
If all else fails, your method of payment could save your bacon should any issues arise. Credit card companies will often refund money if they feel that a customer has been scammed, as will online services like PayPal. Paying by methods like these rather than a debit card can be an additional safety net for situations when the worst-case scenario arises.
It can seem daunting when reading about the tricks that scammers use, yet the tips mentioned will go a long way to ensuring that you are safe when spending any of your money online.