Cyber Criminals to Exploit Vulnerabilities.

Cyber attacks continue to be the major nightmare for most of the business, and most of that is because of the vulnerabilities in the respective systems. Security experts believe that most of the attacks in the 2018 attackers are likely to make use of the vulnerabilities. This is inspite of the fact that patches are released at regular intervals.
The emphasis is more on enlightening the employees about the Patch management on a priority basis and let them know how to safeguard an organization’s most critical data.
Enterprise application and platform are more likely to be targeted the most. This will be followed by attacks on IoT vulnerabilities since most of the devices are crafted without any security regulations and industry standards. Connected things are at risk and cyber criminals see this area to be a potential for their experiments to penetrate the corporate network.
Ransomware will rule the roost for the time being and it is seen that attackers are going to focus on single organization to hold their operations for big money as a payout. Business Email Compromise is also on the list of attackers as they see huge returns in this segment.
Nilesh Jain, Country Manager, India & SAARC, Trend Micro said “We foresee that the ransomware business model will still be a cybercrime mainstay in 2018, while other forms of digital extortion will gain more ground. The ransomware attacks will manifest itself in a more ’ Specialized ’ and ’ target manner’, unlike the earlier approach. With respect to India, in 2018 we will experience a number of attacks targeted at the ATMs, especially malware attacks. We also expect to see a rise in security incidents across Public Cloud platforms.”
Rik Ferguson, VP of security research for Trend Micro. “We at Trend Micro are constantly scouting out future threats that will have the greatest impact for businesses, and we predict which vulnerabilities will make the biggest waves in the coming year.” He further said “Many devastating cyber attacks in 2017 leveraged known vulnerabilities that could have been prevented had they been patched beforehand. This trend will continue next year as corporate attack surfaces expand and expose more security holes. While this remains a challenge for enterprises, executives should prioritize vulnerability management as they make 2018 cybersecurity plans, particularly in the looming shadow of GDPR implementation.”
To keep their act together, Cybercriminals are also likely to lay their hands on machine learning and blockchain technologies. A layered, cross-generational defense is the recommended strategy to keep their business protected from such attacks.
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