Hire a Hacker is the latest in Cyber Crime Service

Hire a Hacker is the latest in Cyber Crime Service

Guess, what it must be when you see a guy a user on the dark web claims that he can track any individual anywhere in the world, what will be your first reaction. Well, the guy who claims he can do this has set a pattern that he can track the habit of the people online and target them.

A Russian based hacker by the name Abridk has put forward this advertisement in which he claims to have the capacity to find any record of any individual on the internet, which also includes his browsing habits, his personal details, and any such cyber record in the database. So far he has only concentrated on the travel details.

According to the news outlet, Daily Beast, Abridk advertised this service via a post on a Russian crime form. In this post, the hacker claimed that they can obtain any information on the movements of people who cross the Russian Federation border, and beyond.

While this claim cannot be ruled out, because we have seen in the past how privacy invasion happened, but what is more worrying is the fact that such services exist when a guy is ready to get you the details of the whereabouts of a person. This can be a challenge for the law enforcement agencies as well as the companies, that fails to keep a tab on the security of their customers. The fact that caught the eye of the cyber security is the ease at which the guy claims that he can infiltrate secured databases, like that of Tax records, and Interpol, it only adds to the laxity of these organizations towards security policies. This can only be possible if the hacker guys are hand in glove with somebody in these organizations, which makes it easy for him to infiltrate, or the security can be as simple game for him to bypass.

What is more interesting here is that Abridk is ready to provide a list of happy customer’s testimonial, to authenticate his claim of a perfect cybercrime. They said a happy customer even penned down a few lyrics in his praise.

All that the hacker needs is the target individual’s name, date of birth, and once this is sufficed, the hacker Abridk will get on with the job only to return with complete details in just about 4-days time. At times he is able to get your details in a few hours. So if the target individual is undergoing any kind of criminal investigation, even that can be tracked. He means to say that literally, every detail of the individual is on the website.

The cost of services can be anything between $50 and $300 depending on the kind of information required. However, Abridk is not the only hacker advertising his tracking services. Several other hackers have claimed to be able to provide similar services at a lower cost. The competition is ostensibly why Abridk is currently offering a discount. Other hackers have claimed to have ready and extensive access to databases across countries, including Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Belarus.

Now anybody who wants to get his service can render anything between $50 to $300, it purely depends on the kind of investigation. After this kind of service surfaced on users have seen many such popping up with similar claims. So now there is a stiff competition among these guys, as they try to rake in more customers for this dubious service. There are people who are into revenge service.


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