Privacy in the Age of Digital Transformation, What it Means?

In the world of digital transformation when everything is facilitated by technology, enterprises are able to learn more about their customers through personalization, so when the things are going that way, one cannot guarantee privacy in today’s digital world.
Remember Mark Zuckerberg teaches us about privacy, and then we have Alexa listening and recording our conversations. No matter what, data breaches happen throughout. To be honest, we can rest our faith in Zuckerberg for a while, but then his users are on computers, and somebody is playing around in close proximity.
What exactly is Privacy?
Privacy in a user’s definition means is the power of boundary-setting that allows a user to determine if he can access what data about me, where, when and for what purpose. It’s the act of determining what others can see on your internet, about your habits, hobby, music preference, preferred merchandise. The worrying part is when somebody is using these personal data to gain financial benefit, and you stay as a mute spectator.
How a company keeps our personal user data safe. Well, it is the responsibility of the company, and not many companies take it seriously. So in case of a breach of any kind, the data are forever at risk.
No blurred conditions
Companies should be clear and transparent when it comes to protecting privacy. There should not be any kind of writing between lines. The user should know what types of information are exposed so they know about what information they want to share. Unfortunately, most companies keep it hidden in terms and condition. Nevertheless, 90 percent of users never read them, but go on to click I agree
The Possibility of Secure Privacy
In America, more than 50 percent of the people are willing to share their data in exchange for benefits. Data is then collected, it’s a trade-off. Be honest with your customers about what kind of data is shared, because consumers will see through any phony ploy, and the company will end up losing loyal customers besides face the embarrassment and apologizes.
At the end of the day, the companies that will see increased brand loyalty will be the ones that incorporate transparent privacy policies. Such companies are seen actively employing blockchain into the processes. They’re the ones who will actively enhance the user experience by empowering their customers by letting them know about the information or data that will be used.
Also, Read:
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