Big Data Mining for Sale, to Further Intensify

From the perspective of security and privacy experts, there are no free products or services, most especially in the mobile computing world. We either pay for the service with a fixed fee for a period, also known as subscription or we pay it with our personal data. If we encounter an online service or an awesome app, but the authors never ask their users to pay, the latter is the product. Google and Facebook have been doing this method of monetization for many years now, and there is no indication of slowing down.
Collecting big data, for sale to third parties are a big concern, but not everyone is aware of it. Only a tiny minority of users read the entire Terms and Conditions, where the express permission is granted by the user to the company to collect big data for sale to 3rd parties. Targeted adverts are also the by-product of this data mining, that expands the profitability of both giants, which is unmatched by any other company in Silicon Valley today.
Many small app developers are trying to tap into this big data phenomenon, by only a small 1% of apps take advantage of earning a lot out of harvesting big data. A startup company has a goal of changing that, named Mofiler they are set to change the blockchain and AI market for 3rd party apps to tap on big data easily.
Mofiler believes that all app developers should be able to tap big data, enable 3rd parties to access the same data through specific permission via Terms of Service. This is not a one-sided victory for the app developers, as Mofiler also believe that the ability to block data mining.
Mofiler has described their system as follows. (Direct quote from Mofiler):
- App developers – they will have the chance to monetize their data whenever their apps are used. The Mofiler platform will be free for them.
- Data buyers – the second group refers to marketers who are ready to buy data in order to conduct effective marketing campaigns. With Mofiler, data buyers will be able to better understand the trends and get the access to new audiences.
- Users – the everyday users of mobile apps will represent the most numerous group in the Mofiler ecosystem. By using the platform, they will rest sure their data is shared only with permission.
- Data scientists – last but not least, the Mofiler platform will represent an excellent tool for data scientists, who will have the opportunity to collect and analyze relevant data in a transparent manner.
Mofiler App has many distinct parts, including the Console which is used to interact with the inner workings of the system. User apps and data are sophistically quarantined under the Mofiler Wallet App and expose the API for 3rd party developers.
According to Mofiler, they concentrate on the following areas (Directo quote from Mofiler):
- Collecting data – during this process, the Mofiler platform, based on the capital protocol, will collect raw data from multiple sources, including mobile apps.
- Processing and analyzing – the platform will enrich the value of the raw data by categorizing, analyzing, and processing it with innovative tools based on machine learning and AI.
- Selling data – the Mofiler ecosystem will also represent a marketplace where data can be sold to third parties.