The New iOS 11.1 Wi-Fi hacked again

Just when the Apple released 11.1 as a patch to address the crack in WiFi and other exploits, here comes the news that it has been hacked again.
It was during Trend Micro’s Zero Day Initiative they revealed this news, but have yet to give the details of the exploits. There were several exploits discovered, and have announced what the participants feel.
What is interesting is the pace at which they hacked the new patch and exposed the vulnerability once again. Nearly every device capable of Wifi was made known to the users.
Apple iOS WiFi Vulnerability
Well, a group of researchers from Keen Lab are the guys who are behind this revelation regarding the iOS WiFi exploit. Another participant by the name Richar Zhu was the one who exploited Safari on Apple iOS.
ZDI says “the exploit in iOS was executed through a code that enables a through a WiFi bug and escalating privileges to persist through a reboot.” The total of 4 exploits is what the Keen Lab exposed, and interestingly the team at work used the same iOS 11.1.
The Year has proved to be Unlucky for iPhone Users
Needless to say that users have found more security issues in its mobile OS. It releases a patch today and the very next day few guys crack it again.The irony that secure enclave is decrypted and sends out unencrypted credentials all these years, and here you have keychain content that intercepts and attacks the iOS WiFi.
All that has been in the news since July 2017.
Pwn20wn has all the answers viz-a-viz these vulnerabilities, and according to them this year has not been a good one so far for Apple. Representatives from other Mobile iOS are eager to know what Pwn20wn has to reveal, and what could have gone wrong.
ZDI in a statement has said “it gives 90-days for the companies to fix this issue, if a vendor is unresponsive or unable to provide a reasonable statement as to why the vulnerability is not fixed, the ZDI will publish a limited advisory including mitigation in an effort to enable the defensive community to protect users”.
As always, the users’ have been asked to keep their device updated with all the latest patches downloaded and installed to fix exploits. If something is not working, find the new one at the earliest, before Apple shuns the old one.