Ransomware attacks on Android, Linux and MacOS systems

Ransomware attacks on Android, Linux and MacOS systems

Just when we all were thinking that Ransomware can be dealt with strict and tight security measures, here comes the latest in the news that Ransomware can kill your Android, Linux and Mac systems.

Looks like nobody and nothing is safe from Ransomware. The malware has gone on to create havoc across the world most attacking Windows OS, and now they have gone a step ahead to attack even Android, Linux, and iOS. The year 2017 has witnessed quite some drama when cyber attacks had been on the rise and at high frequency.

Cyber security has been the top priority this year as a large amount of crypto attack was reported on different devices and OS across the world. Organization in the United States has been approaching the cyber security experts to know how infrastructure can be protected from these breaches. Based on all the happening this year, security analyst has analyzed how the trend will be in the coming year 2018 with regards to cyber attack.

We have seen how Ransomware is getting smarter and as the patches are released for the OS they go a step ahead and find a way to exploit more vulnerabilities. This year saw WannaCry take on its position by pushing out ransomware ‘Cerber’. The new one is more advanced and has nearly 50 percent of the target. So, it’s important to know everything about ransomware removal and best ransomware Protection and how to stop ransomware.

The time when most companies were busy fixing their infrastructure with the latest of patches and security was in May 2017, when WannaCry hit the cyber world. Then came NotPetya, in August which further damage the already patched environment.

Though NotPetya was brutal, it didn’t come up again after a certain point. This was something not known to many as to why NotPetya took a backseat, and nobody could contact the hackers for payment. This gives room to the thought that just ransomware was not the main idea, maybe they just wanted to wipe out the entire database, and then go for the kill.

Now we see that Android is the latest target for Ransomware because it makes it easy for the hackers to target Android devices and make merry. One thing user need to be careful is to note that Android Ransomware comes from non-Google Play sources, so one has to be careful what kind of apps they are downloading.

Related Resources:

Virus Removal for Android

Best Free Antivirus for Android


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