Online Security and Social Media

Recently, business rivalries characterized by a fierce but respectful détente have exploded with animosity and subterfuge in the form of cyber-attacks. It is now necessary for businesses to keep their digital perimeters protected from such attacks. This means having the right anti-virus software, firewalls, and patch management to keep malicious viruses from entering your network.
Today, more than ever, IT managers need to take control of their network and make sure they have the proper safeguards.
How to erect a proper defense
There are various methods organizations can employ to reinforce their defense against cyber-assaults. These include:
- Helping employees understand that they are vulnerable and constantly under attack, not just from unseen code, but from fictitious email and telephone correspondence. There have to be verification policies in place to ensure the security of financial transactions and confidential information.
- Educating your employees about the kind of information they should and should not be sharing on public domains and social media. If hackers can access your date of birth, company, and other details, they can impersonate you and trick family and friends.
- Establishing stringent policies around login credentials and other security information. Warn employees about the risks of using office logins on personal accounts. If you set up a profile with a compromised third-party service using your office email, it can ruin your professional data.
No organization, however big or small, is invulnerable. It is foolish to think that you will never be attacked. It is important for the organization’s leader to talk to shareholders, suppliers, agents, and employees about the danger of exposing their info.
Intensifying these dangers is the proliferation of internet-linked devices. Cyber-attacks are growing in scope and number. The targets of attacks are no longer limited to tablets, phones, and PCs, but include printers, and even refrigerators. It is critical to remember that all of your internet connected devices are vulnerable, because the weakest link breaks the chain. And while today that link may be people, tomorrow it could be toasters.
Having expertise (or expert advice) in cyber security is essential. Consequently, organizations must remain vigilant about the ever-haunting specter of cyber attacks.