The Best Proxy Servers of 2024 and How To Stay Safe From Hackers

Did you notice that while browsing, you see some of the websites are blocked or not available for your IP address? Well, the only way to access these websites is through Proxy servers.
But what exactly is a Proxy Server?
Proxy Server is a machine that acts as a mediator between you and the blocked website by keeping your identity anonymous. Since the IP address is hidden it allows you to access the website that you wanted to visit. For those who take their network security very seriously, Proxy servers are good as it establishes secure and private connections.
In this article, we will be discussing the best proxy server for Windows.
Best Proxy Server has been used where some personal data or information have been misused against an entity in the past. But hackers are one step ahead and they know how to drain through and get the needed info.
Since the Internet has become a critical part of human life, it is literally impossible to keep away from technology. This is where the Proxy server comes into play and it plays an important role in safeguarding personal security.
Finding a safe proxy is the first thing that crosses your mind. So when you Google to find the best one, remember that you can retrieve data stored in the cloud computing. Having a safe proxy will keep the hacker at bay, why because.
1. Violating privacy and using private data against the owner. Various firewall and app have been developed to get rid of these hackers, but they somehow crack the versions and get through it and hence ensure you have the stuff you are using is updated.
2. The proxy server acts as a wall between the user and the internet and filters the Internet. It has a huge database with data stored for the user.
3. The Proxy server helps as a wall between the database and the user so that no user can violate the storage system by any means.
4. Storing the data on the Internet is a bonus because if the server, is on a local computer network it will come handy when you want to use them during an emergency.
5. Avoid putting private information, passwords etc. over the cloud since you will be accessing your account online through a Proxy server.
6. Keep your OS updated, and also other applications on the machine.
7. Keeping your OS and other app updated means it will be safe from hackers. The privacy should be the top priority and even have an updated version of your AV for total security.
Keep your browsing anonymous with some of the top 10 most trust proxy servers that are widely used is listed below. You can have a review of them online before you start to securely access the websites of your need.
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